' This program exported from BASIC Anywhere Machine (Version [5.2.3].[2023.]) on 2023.10.01 at 16:52 (Coordinated Universal Time)
' Based on a SpecBAS program by Paul Dunn (see commented program listing at the bottom)
' Ported (with some mods) to BASIC Anywhere Machine by Charlie Veniot

   _alert("At any time, click/touch the screen to start a new graph")
   tau = _PI * 2
   screen _newimage(400,400,12)
10 xph=rnd*tau : yph=rnd*tau : xf =int(1+rnd*150) : yf=int(1+rnd*150) : s=int(rnd*300)+10
   color int(rnd*15) + 1
30 cls
   for i=0 to s
      w=(tau*i)/s : x=sin(xf*w+xph) * 175 : y=sin(yf*w+yph) * 175
      if i then line - (x + 200,y + 200) else plot (x + 200,y + 200)
   next i
40 xph+=.002 : yph+=.002
   GOTo 30

' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Original SpecBAS program by Paul Dunn ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

' 10 xph,yph=rnd*tau,xf,yf=int(1+rnd*150),s=int(rnd*300)+10
' 20 paper 0: ink 7:
' m=min(scrw-10,scrh-10),mx=scrw/m,my=scrh/m: 
' origin -mx,-my to mx,my
' 30 cls:
'  for i=0 to s:
'     w=(tau*i)/s,x=sin(xf*w+xph),y=sin(yf*w+yph):
' if i then draw to x,y else plot x,y: end if:
'  next i
' 40 xph,yph+=.002:
'  wait screen:
'  if inkey$="" then
'     GO To 30
'  else
'     wait keyup:
'    GO To 10